3 Rooftop gardens I 50 m2 I newly-built housing Rotterdam
These 3 inner-gardens on the roof of a newly-built housing project show how a space with the exact same measurements and challenges can have totally different outcomes.
The first garden has a lounge area at the back side, totally imbedded in greenery, connected via a wander-route on stepping stones. The second garden shows how depth is created with high planters giving the oppurtunity to plant trees. The third garden is recently planted and will be one with a clear structure where the plants (perennials and climbers) will soften the space and make it intimate.
Design: Fika, commisioned by Coöperatie Stek
Realization garden 1 & 2: Coöperatie Stek
Realization garden 3: Antwan Tuintotaal